Get ready for hilarious and jaw-dropping tales from fast food workers as they spill the beans on some of their weirdest customer encounters. It turns out that your favorite burger joint is more eventful than flipping patties and tossing fries. So, without further ado, here are some encounters shared by servers, cooks, and cashiers!
Big Macs Every Day

One user shared their story of a man and his Big Macs, “This guy used to come in on a Monday and order 7 Big Macs. Sounds reasonable, right? But we never saw him eat them and he never came in with anyone else. So eventually someone struck up a conversation with him and asked what he did with them. He froze them... and reheated one each day for dinner for the whole week. I mean, grossness and potential food poisoning aside, can you imagine living that way?”
Well, that’s quick and easy meal prep right there!
Hold the Toppings

A Subway worker shared, “I used to work at Subway. Good times. Sike, not really. But this one guy would come in once a week in his standard safari hat, Capri jeans, sandals and Adidas running jacket. Weirdest guy I have ever met. He would order a footlong sub, with nothing but mayonnaise and American cheese. I mean like half an entire tub of mayo. Every. Single. Time. Good guy though.”
So he couldn't find a single ingredient in all of what Subway has to offer to add to the sub? Really?!
Confessions of a Conspiracy Theorist

One worker shared, “I was working at Braum's and this guy went on a whole rant about how Queen and all the bands from the 70's-80's are working with [the] government to erase memories. All because he heard a lyric wrong.”
In my experience, one of the hardest things about working in the service industry is to have to smile and nod whenever someone starts talking nonsense.
The Driest Steak on the Planet

One server shared the weirdest order they got, "I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak 'dry.' He explained that he wanted 'no juice' to come out when he was eating it. I told him it would take about 30 minutes to cook his steak so it's that well done, and he said OK. Our steaks were pretty miserable portions in the first place, he ordered the smallest cut on the menu. I finally returned with his little 6 oz flat iron that was absolutely desiccated on the grill, and he looked disappointed. He took a few bites of it and proclaimed that 'it wasn't very good.'"
Pfft, you don’t say! And they say that the customer is always right…
The Smoothie Tester

Another user shared what he saw, “As a teenager, I worked at Jamba Juice. I had a couple close friends that were coworkers. Sometime after I quit, during the winter, I was planning on giving my friend a ride to his girlfriend's house, but then I arrived too early, before his shift ended. I went inside to order a juice to help the business running since nobody really wants a cold smoothie on a 40 degree (F) day. There was someone who literally ordered everything on the menu for the smoothies and had over 20 smoothies on the table and was just casually sipping each one. He lined all the smoothies up, and then began to sip one, move on, sip one, move on, and such.”
Well, that IS a good way to find your favorite flavor once and for all!
The Drunk Mom

One restaurant worker posted, “We had a lady come into the bathroom; she was in there for awhile apparently. Her kids came in and asked if their mom was in here. So they went and knocked on the bathroom door, and the mom eventually came out. We went in after she left and checked it to make sure she didn't leave a mess. .... She drank AN ENTIRE BOTTLE OF WINE while in there. Then GOT IN HER CAR AND DROVE OFF.”
We’re surprised that she even made it to the car! We sure hope they all got were they were going in one piece.
The Drive Thru Architect

A Dunkin’ Donut worker shared their wild experience, “I worked at Dunkin and one time a customer came through the drive through and complained to us that the drive-thru was built in a way that made it hard to drive. She started yelling at my co-workers so I just put down what I was doing and told her “ma’am we cannot change the construction of the building.” Like seriously though what’d she want us to do I just make sandwiches.”
What is this, the final boss of Karens-the-Game?!
The Coupon Hero

A pizza restaurant worker posted the craziest encounter with a customer that they had, “I worked at a pizza shop and we used to have this guy who would come in with fake coupons and try to get deals on food. Then, if we didn't give him the deal, he would scream at us that '[he] was a hero and should get deals because [he] saved a guy from drowning once!'”
Well, if that’s the case, lifeguards should eat for free their entire lives!
Disgusting Mr. Chewy

One person posted the most bizarre thing, “My mum used to own a small cafe in the UK that mainly served English breakfasts (egg, sausage, mushroom, bacon etc). All of the customers used to get nicknames, like Jimmy no-egg and Mr Chewy. Mr Chewy was an old man with no teeth who used to order a full English breakfast. He could eat the egg, beans, hash brown and tomatoes just fine but not the meat. Every week there used to be chewed sausage and bacon all over his plate and table. This wasn't too bad as he paid and didn't cause too much trouble. However, the final straw was when he started to put it in sugar bowls. Not just on top but deep down. Waiting for unsuspecting customers to take a spoonful for their tea or coffee.”
Now that's just gross!
Del Taco is the New Starbucks

One person shared the story of a guy who thought that Del Taco was a Starbucks, “I used to manage a Del Taco during my highschool teenage years. We had an older man come in once a month and drive straight through the speaker to our window. At said window he’d look at me until I came over, start ordering starbucks, then midway through realizing it was a del taco and drive off. Once a month, every month, for 2 years.” [sic]
I sure hope if it was wishful thinking and not bad eyesight, seeing as he DROVE there...
The Shellfish Allergy

A server posted a hilarious story, “I had a customer ask what region the lobster was from in our lobster bisque, because he was allergic to shellfish but only from a certain ocean. All I could think as we had to call the head chef at home to ask about lobster source regions was that maybe the guy could...not eat the bisque.”
Maybe they should have just asked “which ocean" and said, “yes, our shellfish is from there.”
The Sesame Seeds Removal

Another user shared a weird request, “Back when I was in fast food, I had someone who wanted me to remove all the sesame seeds from the top of a bun.” Kind of reminds us of that seedless strawberry meme. That level of patience is to be aspired to!
Source: Reddit unless otherwise noted
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