How to cook


in your Air Fryer!

It takes less than 10 minutes to cook Frozen Spring Rolls in your Air Fryer - and there's no mess to clean up after. With just a little bit of oil they come out crispy and delicious and better than fried - and all ready to dip in your favorite sauce.

"As a beginner in the airfryers world, these instructions were awesome; perfectly detailed and the result was amazing. Thanks for sharing" - Carla

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8 frozen spring rolls 2 teaspoons cooking oil


Brush spring rolls with vegetable oil

Brush spring rolls with cooking oil

Place in a single layer in in a preheated air fryer basket

Air fry at 400°F for 4 minutes, then flip them

Air fry for 4 more minutes - and then you're done!

What will you dip them in?