Have you ever been excited to try out the latest food trend, only to find it extremely disappointing? While some trends really are worth your time and money (Dalgona coffee and baked feta cheese pasta, I'm talking to you!), I often find myself quite disappointed with the latest trends. And the more hype, the less impressed I usually am! Here I gathered 12 food trends that while quite popular, I find to be seriously overrated. Do you agree, or is your favorite trend on the list?

After hearing all about the elusive McDonald's McRib sandwich I was quite hyped to try it for myself. But you know what? It tasted just like everything else from my least favorite burger joint - bland, processed, and boring.

Caviar is not a new trend by far - but it somehow never seems to go out of style for those who can afford it. I do think some varieties can be tasty, in moderation and with the right condiments, but adding caviar to everything (I once got it on top of pizza...) is just too much. If you're going to spend that much money, make sure to at least enjoy it in a way that lets the flavors shine through, and not where it has to compete with a lot of other flavorful components!
Bacon Flavored... Everything!

I love bacon, but can't we just let bacon keep that flavor? This trend with bacon flavored this and bacon flavored that has got to stop! To make matters even worse, they're often using artificial bacon flavoring, so it doesn't even really taste like bacon! Come one, bacon is perfect as it is, in its own little slice packaging, we don't need it in chips, hot sauce or toothpaste (yes, that exists).
Melted Cheese

Baffling, right? Who can say no to melted cheese? Well, I usually don't - but there is such a thing as too much. I mean, those TikTok famous burgers and burritos all covered in dripping melted cheese? Looks wild, but how do you even eat that?! And do you even taste anything except the cheese? No, I'd rather keep the melted cheese on the side to dip my fries in!
Super Spicy Food

While I really enjoy spicy food, and always ask for my Thai food cooked "Thai spicy", even I have a limit. Extreme heat just overwhelms the palate and doesn't allow you to taste the food, and then why am I even putting up with all that heat in the first place?
Huge Burgers

Giant burgers can look cool, but I often find that the larger the burger, the smaller the taste. Not to mention, it's super hard to eat it! I'd much rather have a smaller burger loaded with tons of flavor. Or two, if they're really small!
Oysters All the Time, Everywhere!

I'm a bit torn about this one because I really enjoy oysters. But they should be enjoyed at the right time, in the right place, and not everywhere and for every dinner. Oysters by the coast, in season? Yes, please! In Chicago in the middle of summer? No sir.
Extravagant Wedding Cakes

Has anyone ever, ever, actually enjoyed a slice of wedding cake? They look fantastic, but as with those TikTok burgers dripping in melted cheese, it's generally just a pretty picture without much substance. Not to mention the price! Call it a wedding cake, and the price at least doubles, even if it's the exact same cake!
Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal added to food and drinks has been popular in recent years, and it's supposed to detoxify your body. However, while it might be great for battling food poisoning - your body generally doesn't need detoxing. That's why you have a liver!
Starbuck's Frappucinos

I do love my Starbuck's coffee, but I want it unsweetened with just a dash of milk. Those crazy frappucinos and seasonal drinks with loads of sugar - what even is that? Why not just have dessert instead, if that's what you're after?
Edible Gold

Eating gold in this economic climate just seems like such a waste, doesn't it? Since I know it's wasteful and just supposed to look "fancy", it instantly turns me off.
Shark Fin Soup

No surprise here, right? Shark fin soup is a delicacy in some countries but, thankfully, prohibited in others. I'm definitely no vegetarian - but cutting off a shark's fin while it's still alive is something else entirely.
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