Have you ever come across food opinions that go against the culinary grain? We've ventured into the world of foodie forums to unearth some fascinating and divisive unpopular opinions about food. Get ready to question your convictions as we dive into the intriguing realm of unconventional food perspectives - that are actually surprisingly common!
Chili Should Have Corn AND Beans
Despite all the chilis out there with corn or beans, or both, this is still a controversial topic. Now no one but Texas might care, but foodies definitely prefer their chili with both corn and chili.
Sparkling Water Is Too Sparkly
This first unpopular opinion is actually so common that in parts of the world, you can buy not just regular sparkling water, but also "lightly sparkling" water. Surprsinsgly many foodies enjoy their sparkling water this way - but too me, it's just a waste of carbonation. Why not just drink tap instead?
Overcooked Pasta Is Better Than Al Dente
A lot of foodies confess to preferring overcooked pasta, but still cooking it al dente just because that's the way you're supposed to cook it. One foodie says: "So the reheated spaghetti that I had for lunch was somewhat overcooked and bloated. I really enjoy pasta when it’s like this." Italy, cover your ears!
Hot Dogs Should Be Burned
One foodie talks about their love for really burned hot dogs: "I love burned charred hot dogs. You know that sad-looking, shriveled one at the back corner of the BBQ grill. I ask for the cook to burn one for me." And many others chimed in to say this is just how they like it best, as well! So next time you avoid the sad looking charcoal-like hot dog - don't feel bad; there's probably a foodie waiting in line behind you who will be more than happy to eat it.
Salad Should Be Chopped Small And Eaten With A Spoon
It might not look as pretty as a salad with large leaves and sliced chicken breast, but a well-chopped salad sure is easier to eat. I confess this is the way I prefer my salads as well - and every time I buy a salad, I start by chopping everything into bite-size pieces. One foodie explains their love for this type of salad: "...you get a little bit of everything in every bite, making spoon salads superior to fork salads in every way." I couldn't agree more!
Unripe Bananas Are Delicious
A lot of foodies prefer green bananas over yellow or even brown ones. One foodie sees uses for both but says that: "Ripe bananas are not meant to be eaten- they belong in banana bread and smoothies. Give me a nice unripe banana any day."
Store Bought Gnocchi Is Better Than Homemade
Several foodies second this opinion, while others claim the store-bought version tastes like plastic, and others still say that at least the store-bought version is good enough for weekdays. Maybe it depends on how good you are at making gnocchi, but I for one definitely prefer the store-bought version!
Bacon Should Be Tender - NOT Crispy
While crispy bacon seems to be the preferred version for most foodies, there are quite many who either prefer the non-crispy version or can see uses for both. One foodie explains the happy medium they prefer: "There is a happy medium. A perfect piece of bacon will droop if held by the end, and will not shatter when stabbed by a fork. There will be both a crunch and chew when eaten" [sic]
You Need To Wash Your Mushrooms
I have always done this and assumed it was just the way to go - but apparently, a lot of people believe you shouldn't wash mushrooms. Either way, there seems to be two camps, but I definitely prefer being in the cleaner one.
Asparagus Shouldn't Crunch
I used to argue with my ex-boyfriend about how to cook asparagus, and he, for one, would second this unpopular opinion. A lot of foodies agree with it, and say they prefer their vegetables overcooked "by Western standards".
The Thinner The Noodle, The Better
A lot of chefs like to serve their sauces with thicker noodles like fettuccine or tagliatelle, but there are a lot of foodies who actually prefer the thinner kinds. As someone who has always loved angel hair pasta, I can only agree!
Source: Reddit.
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